Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

The Love Story of a Woman Dating 100 Men Teaches If Love Is Not Always About Sex


IllustrationIllustration - A woman from the United States, Amanda McCracken needs time to wait until her 40s to get a happy ending in love. All his life, he has dated 100 men before finding a man whom he considers true love.

During her love journey, Amanda guarded her virginity despite dating 100 men. Until finally, he found a man who is now her husband. The man of his choice was what he considered appropriate for sex. A man who deserves his virginity.

This 42-year-old woman met with her true love, Dave a year ago at a bar. Since the meeting, the two of them were close and chose to tie the sacred promise of marriage.

Now Amanda and Dave are overwhelmed with a lot of happy news. In her Instagram post, Amanda revealed that she was pregnant. It's no surprise that Amanda's story stole the attention, especially because she spent so long searching for love.

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Amanda also talked that dating 100 men had never occurred to her about sex. According to him, true love is about waiting for someone who accepts who they are.

"It's not about waiting for the perfect person to appear. It's about waiting for those who accept me. People who realize he deserves more than breadcrumbs. People who end up feeling emptiness in longing. People who turn toward love rather than chasing rejection. People who are able accepting that love. And it's worth the wait, "Amanda said.


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