Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Chevron's Exploration Experts and Psychologists Share Knowledge and Tips at the Oil and Gas Center of UIR


Sri Aisyah, PT CPI psychologist, provided material on interview techniques and made a good CV)Sri Aisyah, PT CPI psychologist, provided material on interview techniques and made a good CV) -

PEKANBARU - Oil and Gas Center of Riau Islamic University (UIR) once again held an Oil and Gas Sharing Center which is a aimed to share knowledge and hands-on experience from experts for UIR students. UIR students not only gain additional knowledge in the form of hard skills but also soft skills.

Fitrianti ST., MT. The Coordinator of the Oil and Gas Center conveyed that what is meant by Hardskill is the mastery of science, technology, and technical skills related to oil and natural gas. While soft skills are skills related to others (interpersonal skills) and skills in managing themselves (intra-personal skills).

"Every two weeks, we hold a Knowledge Sharing Oil and Gas Center by inviting practitioners or resource persons from SKK Migas or other Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS) in Riau. The material to be provided includes drilling, oil and gas production and operations, occupational safety & health, enhancing oil recovery technology, petrophysics, work flow & the Government's role in managing oil and gas working areas, presentation techniques, public speaking and others, "said Fitri also a lecturer at the UIR Petroleum Engineering Faculty.

"UIR students can register through the Google form managed by the Riau Oil & Gas Community (ROGC). ROGC is a community of UIR students who contribute to manage and advance the Oil and Gas Center," Fitri continued.

The Oil and Gas Center for Sharing Knowledge on last February 24  was entitled Introduction to Oil and Gas Exploration by Budi Setiawan, Exploration Manager of PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (PT CPI), while the second material was Interview Techniques and Making a Good CV by Sri Aisyah Jumiati, Psychologist and Human PT CPI Resources.

Read more: Hotspots in Riau Region

Budi Setiawan, with 26 years of experience working in oil and gas in Indonesia and other countries, explained the main stages of oil and gas exploration which included regional studies, work area acquisitions, data processing, interpretation & prospect identification to prove the existence of oil and gas reserves. commercial ones. The stage of oil and gas exploration takes a long time which is around 10 years, 5-10 years for commercialization and 20 years of production. On this occasion, Budi also said that the workforce needed in the oil and gas world is not only from the oil and gas engineering majors. "The basic sciences needed in the oil and gas world include mathematics, natural knowledge, computers, instrumentation, electro, machinery and others," explained Budi.

Sri Aisyah, who has worked at PT CPI for 15 years, shared experiences when interviewing prospective employees. Some things to consider when interviewing include appearance, facial expression, attitude, coming on time, introducing yourself, answering questions by repeating the question, if given the opportunity to ask starting with mild questions, showing enthusiasm about wanting to work, and expressing gratitude. "CVs must describe the life history and systematic, beginning with biodata, education, work experience, awards, organization and expertise," said Aisyah.

Regarding the rampant hoax news, Sri Aisyah explained that PT CPI never collected any fees from applicants or appointed certain travel agents, representatives or individuals to make reservations or receive payments in any form on behalf of PT CPI, both for land, sea transportation, and air during the process of hiring employees. Official information on Chevron Indonesia's employee vacancies is only announced through the website or email with the domain "@".

The first Oil and Gas Center in Riau was officially launched on 19 December 2019 in the Hall of the Rectorate Building of the Islamic University of Riau (UIR). Migas Center, which is a collaboration of SKK Migas - PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia and UIR, will be the center of information and education about oil and gas in Riau.

The UIR Oil and Gas Center's second phase of development cooperation agreement was signed by the UIR Rector, Prof. Dr. H. Syafrinaldi, SH. MCL and PT CPI Sukamto Tamrin's General Asset Affairs Corporate Manager on 5 February 2020 in the UIR Rectorate Building. In this cooperation agreement, PT CPI will provide meeting room equipment, library space, office space, exhibition displays, renovation of toilets and pantry and support Oil and Gas Center activities including visits, Oil and Gas Sharing Centers, seminars, public lectures and focus groups related to the oil and gas industry or other fields. It is expected that the second phase of construction will be completed by June 2020. ***


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