Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Scientists have found a way to keep youth and health much longer


Scientists have found a way to keep youth and health much longerScientists have found a way to keep youth and health much longer - Scientists said that there is a way to maintain health and youth as long as possible.

The fact is that youth directly depends on the length of the tips of chromosomes (telomeres of stem cells).

Since the length of the tips of the chromosomes is responsible for the rate of aging, therefore, for those people whose telomeres are short, their old age will catch up faster and earlier. 

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However, everything can be corrected with the help of molecular interference.

Geneticists, using the enzyme telomerase, have learned to increase telomeres in length. 

The enzyme telomerase lengthens the tail of the chromosome, to the desired size and because of this, a person preserves his youth much more.






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