Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

This is the secret of prevention of Alzheimer's that unknown by many people in the world


This is the secret of prevention of Alzheimer's that unknown by many people in the worldThis is the secret of prevention of Alzheimer's that unknown by many people in the world -  There’s been an increasing amount of evidence highlighting the connection between gut health and brain.

A recent study that published on the 8th of Feb 2017 in the journal Scientific Reports states that unhealthy intestinal intensifies the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

The findings reveal that Alzheimer’s might be more preventable than previously thought out to be.

The composition of gut bacteria consists of a mix of genetics and lifestyle factors. Diet, exercise, stress levels, and exposure to toxins define the bacterial makeup of your gut.

Our gut bacteria has a major impact on how we feel because of the interaction it has with our immune system, our intestinal mucosa, and our diet. Although the composition of our gut is genetically decided at birth, our diet plays a crucial role going forward.

Researchers from Lund University in Sweden reveals that mice with Alzheimer’s have a different bacterial profile in the gut when compared to one’s that don’t.

Additionally, mice without any bacteria were tested to investigate the relationship intestinal bacteria and diseases. Mice without bacteria had significantly lower levels of beta-amyloid plaque—a plaque that causes the formation of lumps in the nerve fibres in your the brain in case you have Alzheimer’s disease.

To substantiate the link between intestinal flora and the Alzheimer's, researchers transferred the beta-amyloid from the infected mice to the germ-free mice. As expected the germ-free mice ended up developing beta-amyloid plaques in their brain.

The results produced by the study are unique as it shows a direct causal link between gut bacteria and Alzheimer’s disease. There was a drastic reduction in plaque that developed in the brain of the mice that lacked bacteria.

These results are going to open up new avenues of research into findings that may eventually lead to preventing and delaying the onset of the disease, states Dr Frida Fak Hallenius, the author, an associate professor at the university’s Food for Health Science centre.

This is a breakthrough as the only symptom-relieving antiretroviral drugs have been used up until now, adds Hallenius.

Diet is responsible for shaping the microbial community in our gut, so dietary strategies will be critical to modulate the gut bacteria to a healthier state. 

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