Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

Hijab trend in Indonesia being strange, this is the characteristic the end of the world ?


Hijab trend in Indonesia being strange, this is the characteristic the end of the world ?Hijab trend in Indonesia being strange, this is the characteristic the end of the world ? - Until now the use of hijab in Indonesia has experienced rapid development, especially after many various models in hijab clothes.

This is supported by the number of young designers who penetrated in the fashion of business hijab.

Apparently, the veil has started there since antiquity, approximately before the 20th century. Jilbab is considered as Arab culture, but in fact, jilbab is the original identity of Muslim women in Indonesia since centuries ago, although initially only scarf that placed on the head.


1. Before Indonesia's independence, the use of hijab is still very simple, just a cloth that draped in the head. At this time the use of hijab is still very simple, they use it just put on the head. Not many hijab motives at that time.
For example, Fatmawati, the wife of first president of Indonesia Soekarno, just wearing a lace shawl on her head.

2. In the 70-80s there was a ban to use of headscarves
In the 70-80s there has been a ban on wearing hijab in Indonesia, when the Department of Education and Culture (MoD) has issued a regulation to ban all Muslim students to wearing of headscarves to go to schools.

Because at that time Department of Education and Culture issued a regulation on national school uniforms that caused the Muslim students could not wear the hijab.

However, the regulation does not extinguish the spirit of Muslim women to used veil. At this time the veil used is shaped like a triangle or just put on the head.

3. In the 90s the classic style hijab became a trend
This hijab style is very simple with the use of ciput, then the veil is paired on the head with a pin under the chin.


4. Hijab trends with many choices of motifs and styles
This veil trend began to appear around the year 2010-an until now, it started when a lot of Muslim fashion designer introduced the hijab with a variety motifs and styles

Most of these hijabs are well-liked by young people and continue to evolve from year to year.




Editor       : DEVI

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