Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

This is the only person who can survive after the little apocalypse happened in 1902


This is the only person who can survive after the little apocalypse happened in 1902This is the only person who can survive after the little apocalypse happened in 1902 -  On May 7th 1902, the mountain of Pelée, a volcano suddenly erupted. It make the town of Saint-Pierre suffered a terrible natural disaster. More than 40,000 lives were lost, and thousands of houses burned down.

It completely annihilating the said town—but one person survived.

August Cyparis or Louis-Auguste Cyparis born in 1874. He is the only person that survived from that natural disaster.

Ludger was known in the town to be a notorious troublemaker. On the night of the disaster, he was arrested for the severe beating of another man. And the police decided to teach him a lesson and threw him into solitary confinement. Little did everyone know, this unpleasant hole will soon save his life.

The cell was tiny and and the location is underground with no windows and apart from one very narrow slit in the door.

The mountain of Pelée soon exploded, bringing with it an apocalyptic cloud of smoke that blotted out the sun for over fifty miles around.

Everything within a ten mile radius was flattened. Within one brief moment the pressure wave that was over 1,000 degrees in temperature had flattened every building in the town. The people that were not killed by the buildings collapsing will caught fire until death. People who hid in shelters died of suffocation.

So how did Ludger survive without suffocating?

He urinated on his shirt and stuffed them in the slit of the doorway by means of protection. He survived, but he have burns in his body. Four days later, rescuers were shocked to see that one person still survived.

He was subsequently pardoned for his crimes, and hired to tour with the Barnum & Bailey circus where he was advertised as being a living relic and the man who lived through after little doomsday.

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