Friday, 19 Apr 2024

The Same Hobby of Two Richest Men in the World, Dish-Washing


 Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos -  Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and Microsoft founder Bill Gates today are the two richest people in the world. Apparently, there is a surprising habit of both people;both love to wash dishes.

Bezos and Gates once said that washing dishes and glasses is a routine habit. And if they want, they just leave the task to someone else.

"I wash dishes every day, I'm pretty sure it's the sexiest thing I do," Bezos said in an interview, quoted from Business Insider.

Gates whose wealth has just been overtaken by Bezos expressed the same thing. Even he claimed to enjoy the dish washing, not because of being forced.
"I wash dishes every night, others volunteer for it, but I like to do it my way," said Gates.

Apparently, dishwashing is a useful activity. This seemingly insignificant activity according to some studies can enhance creativity and relax.

Research from Florida State University says that students who wash the dishes decreased the stress level as well as inspiring. Sensing warm water and the smell of soap can stimulate the brain.*


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