Friday, 19 Apr 2024

Three great sensations that experienced by women during orgasm


Three great sensations that experienced by women during orgasmThree great sensations that experienced by women during orgasm - Sex becomes one of the keys to made our household be harmony. So for couples who already married or newly married, having sex with husband should be often done.

But when making intercourse, many women not feel orgasm. The orgasm is the peak of sexual pleasure, and is experienced at the end of intercourse. When sexual pleasure reaches its peak, we will feel an orgasm that is marked by releasing pressure in the genital area and certain points of the body.

It was like riding a rollercoaster. The feelings and experiences of orgasm can be different from each other. Some feel like a tingling throughout the body, there is a vision so blurred, some feel his body feels lighter and sweaty.

In general, the orgasm is characterized by three things.

1. Heartbeat Changes
The heartbeat and breath will more faster.

2. Your face will change to redness
One characterized of orgasm is your face, neck, and chest area will be reddish. The flow of blood more faster, so the areas of the face will look reddish.

3. Contractions at specific points
When you get orgasm, you will feel a contraction on your muscles in the area of ??Miss V, uterus, and anus for several times.

Orgasm can make the body will produce of endorphins, a hormones that can make the body more relaxed and feeling happy. When we feel orgasm after intercourse, we will sleep more soundly.

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