Thursday, 18 Apr 2024

Jikalahari asked the Police Chief Tito Karnavian to made an evaluation to Riau Police Chief


Jikalahari Minta Kapolri Tito Karnavian Evaluasi Kapolda RiauJikalahari Minta Kapolri Tito Karnavian Evaluasi Kapolda Riau - The Riau Forest Rescue Network (Jikalahari) asked the National Police chief, Tito Karnavian to evaluate the Riau Police Chief Nandang. This is because many forestry cases in Riau seem stagnant since handled by Nandang.

This was conveyed by Deputy Coordinator of Jikalahari, Made Ali.

"We urge the Chief of Police Tito Karnavian to evaluate the Riau Police Chief Inspector General Pol Nandang because during his 100-day work, Riau forestry cases involving stagnant companies," he said during the breafing with media crew at Prince Hotel on Wednesday, December 13, 2017.

Made said at the time of handover of the position, the old Riau Police Chief, Zulkarnain, had ordered Nandang to continue legal proceedings including 33 unlicensed corporations that reported by the Riau People's Coalition with Jikalahari. Also 49 companies are considered as perpetrators of forest and land fires by 2015.

"During the time of the Chief of Police of Zulkarnaen, four companies went to the investigation stage and two have been designated as suspects, ie PTPN V and PT Hutahean, but since the Nandang being Chief Police in Pekanbaru, the investigation  have not progressed," he said.

Even, Jikalahari as a complainant has never received a Notification of Progress Report (SP2HP).

"Until now, Jikalahari has not received SP2HP from the 49 corporations, unlike the Zulkarnain Police Chief, our SMS just keeps being responded," said Made.

On that basis Jikalahari asked the National Police Chief Tito Karnavian to evaluate as soon as Riau Navy Chief of Police is considered slow in handling forestry case in Riau. Though it is an instruction of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to be prioritized.

"We also ask Kompolnas to check the Riau Nandang Police Chief for not professionally convey the progress of investigation and investigation of each case about the environment and forestry to the people of Riau," he hoped.

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