Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Did you know, this disgusting animal is delicious to consume and contains of high nutrition


Did you know, this disgusting animal is delicious to consume and contains of high nutrition Did you know, this disgusting animal is delicious to consume and contains of high nutrition -  Consuming this food may be will a little bit extreme and strange for some people. But it turns out this food also contains many benefits for the body.

Some time ago, the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, Arman Sulaiman said that will replace beef in the market because the price is so high, and it can replace with snail.

Because the nutritional value of snail according to Positive Deviance Resource Center contains 12% protein, 217 mg calcium, low cholesterol, 81 grams of water in 100 grams of snail fields, and the rest is contains with energy, protein, calcium, carbohydrates, and phosphorus.

The content of vitamins in snail is quite high, with the dominance of vitamins A, E, niacin and folate. Snail also contain high levels of macronutrient nutrients in the body. The weight of a snail fields can reach until 4 to 5 grams.

The body of snail also contain of micronutrients and minerals, especially calcium is needed by humans. With proper management, a snail can be a source of quality animal protein because the price is cheaper than beef, goat or chicken.

Then, how to cultivate of snail to be delicious to eat ?

For some rural communities with consuming snails has always been done from long time ago.

Snail curry is usually mixed with sweet potato leaves. In the rainy season, snails are very easy to get in the rice fields.

In addition, in order to get a delicious taste, snail can also be processed by means of stir-fry or fried with cooking spice. And there is also for some people who process it by making it as sate.

Keep in mind, this snail rice must cleaned first so the contamination of pesticide can be lost.

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