Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

The isolated island being the most dirty place in the world, why?


The isolated island being the most dirty place in the world, why?The isolated island being the most dirty place in the world, why? - An uninhabited small island in the southern Pacific Ocean named Henderson Island, referred to as one of the most smallest island in the world.Sadly, now Henderson holds a new title as the most polluted island in the world because the amount of plastic waste there.


The isolated island is included in UNESCO World Heritage Site that, and only visited once in five until ten years for a research activities.But although the island was isolation from humans, did not make Henderson Island free from waste.

In a recent study, researchers estimate there are 37.7 million plastics equivalent to 17 tonnes weighing the beaches of the island. With 671 rubbish in every square meter, the researchers call the Henderson Island into a place with the world's densest plastic trash.

Quoted from Live Science on Wednesday May 15 2017, Henderson Island is located in the middle of the Southern Ocean currents. It made it a fitting place where garbage from South America and shipwreck wastes gather.

Every day the beach on Henderson Island will receive more than 3,750 rubbish. But according to Lavers, the total amount of waste on the island seems much bigger.

Pollution on Henderson Island shows that the world has not found a way to get rid of plastic waste. Because more than 300 million tons of plastics are produced annually, and most are not recycled.

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