Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

The characteristics of someone that born in the Year of the Dog


IlustrationIlustration - Lunar New Year for this year is celebrated as the Year of the Dog. Each year in the Chinese calendar is represented by an animal - with a total of 12 animals.

According to the Chinese Zodiac, people that born in certain animal years will have appropriate traits and characteristics. The 12 animals are: Rat, Cow, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Lamb, Monkey, Chick, Dog and Pig.

If you were born in Year of Dog, then you will have characteristics based on the dog category as well.


This year is Year of the Earth Dog.

1934 – Wood Dog
1946 – Fire Dog
1958 – Earth Dog
1970 – Metal Dog
1982 – Water Dog
1994 – Wood Dog
2006 – Fire Dog
2018 – Earth Dog


The characteristic of people that born in the Year of Dogs is not different with the characteristics of a dog. These people are considered more courageous, loyal, and have a sense of right and wrong.

In the work environment, they are great employees, because they are always honest and work very hard. In a relationship of love, they are very loyal. But, some of the weaknesses of people that born in the Year of Dogs are stubborn, and sometimes too much to criticize others.

Characteristics of Earth Dog are similar. However, in particular, people that born in these years have more artistic and are struggling to work in a rigid and competitive environment.

That does not mean they are not goal-oriented, though, because the nature of the Earth Dog is bold and ambitious with a great sense of justice, and has a tendency to succeed in their workplace.

However, specifically, people born in these years will be more artistic and struggle to work in rigid, competitive environments. That’s not to say they aren’t goal-orientated, though, as Earth Dogs are brave and ambitious with a huge sense of justice, and have the propensity to succeed in their workplace.

One of the best properties a Dog of the Earth is they never hurt someone intentionally, defend what is right and can respect to the opinions and views of others.

They are said not to get the material wealth from their parents, but are able to succeed in the future thanks to a strong desire to finish things and attention to detail.

If you were born in Year of Dog, you should be happy because you have the ability as a good friend and have a fast intelligence.

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