Tuesday, 16 Apr 2024

Do not assume trivial the skin tag on the surface of our skin, its categorizes as tumor



News24xx.com - Perhaps a small bump that arises on the surface of the skin of the human body is not considered to be disturbing. However, this categorizes as benign tumors. And could grow.

Warts or Verucca in medical terms is called Papilloma. Warts are caused more by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). This virus does attack the skin layer by making keratin production increased rapidly so that it exceeds the amount needed by the body.

HPV can cause not only warts, but also can cause other diseases such as Condyloma or also cause Cervical Cancer in women. This is because of the 100 types of HPV virus, 40 types are known to trigger the emergence of Genital Warts. Of the 40 types, 2 (ie HPV types 16 and 18) are HPV viruses are the main triggers of Cervical Cancer, but these two types of HPV virus do not grow warts or show other symptoms that are difficult to realize by women.

Transmission of HPV virus can be occured, if a person is in direct contact with the skin of people who experience Warts or other objects contaminated by this HPV virus. Moreover if the person has a low immune system, then the chances of getting infected will increase.

Most types of warts that appear are a type of harmless warts. However, some other types of warts are dangerous because they can be contagious and develop into a more serious disease if not treated properly from the beginning, especially genital warts.

Warts are not caused by heredity, although there are babies who experience warts, it is more because the baby is infected during labor, especially if the mother has a history of genital warts.

Here are some types of warts and symptoms that may arise:

1. Common warts, caused by HPV virus types 2 and 4. This warts most often arise on the fingers, hands, elbows, face, and knees. Symptom often arise is skin texture overgrown with warts will feel rough, hard, and prominent.

2. Genital warts, caused by HPV virus types 6, 11, 16, and 18. HPV virus infection in genitalia is usually caused by the behavior of free sex. Common Symptoms Genital warts usually do not hurt, it only feels itchy. If the wart appears on the Mucosal Membrane (Condylomata Acuminata) or lies in the fold area, the lesion becomes wet and rubbed.

3. Plantar Warts, caused by type 1 HPV virus. This type of warts will usually grow on the heel and sole of the foot. The characteristics of these warts are white and hardened, the middle part is black and will be painful especially when walking. This type of warts can also occur in the palm of the hand.

4. Flaky warts, caused by HPV virus types 3 and 10. As the name implies, this wart has a flat shape with a color that varies from yellowish to brown. These warts are commonly experienced by children and usually grow on the arms and face.



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