Tuesday, 23 Apr 2024

Four signs which indicate that you have sixth sense according the scientists



News24xx.com -  Scientists are accept that some people may possess some senses more than previously thought. In fact, there may be around 21 or more human senses.  And almost everyone has it, although most do not know it.

So, what's the meaning of the sixth sense ? The sixth sense can manifests in many ways, can seeing something that others cannot, to hearing sounds or knowing something that is about to happen, as if you were aware of some danger just around the corner.

In this article, these four signs which may indicate that you have an intensified sixth sense.

An sensory brain
One proof of the sixth sense is your brain functions in a way that you are barely aware of, for if it did not, the human race would have been extinguished before it even started. For example, think about the technology used in the manufacture of a guided missile.

And you can balance the body in preparation for the capture of a ball; you calculated exactly where to hold the hands to intercept the ball; you quickly estimated the weight of it so that you could hold it without problems.

Look at what your brain did without you even noticing: calculate the speed and trajectory of the ball.


The most obvious sign of the sixth sense is the feeling of danger. It can be presented to an individual in several ways: fine hairs that rise on the back of the neck or arms, goosebumps or a feeling of apprehension.


Sudden shadows
When you seeing inexplicable movements or shadows in your peripheral vision may be a sign that you are experiencing ghostly visits. But, do not be afraid. Shadows cannot hurt you. 

Mistrust towards strangers
If you are in the presence of someone you just met and have a bad foreboding, your sixth sense is working hard to try to warn you. Your subconscious already knows this person and warns you to leave or avoid their attention. This can also work differently when you experience a sudden and profound attraction.







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