Friday, 19 Apr 2024

This the reason why igloo can to keep people warm inside it


Igloo Igloo -  Some people are still wondering why a house made of ice such as igloo can keep people warm inside it. 

There is a reason for it.

Before we understand why igloo can keep us warm, we have to know why we feel cold. We feel cold not because the cold seeps into our body, but because our body is radiating heat. This process is called convection. 

Some animals like sea lion for example, has fatty skin around 2,5 centimeters thick and thick fur as well, which keep the heat from escaping their bodies. However, some mammals have to find a way to keep the heat inside their bodies.

Igloo works pretty much the same as sea lion’s coat. The solid ice traps the heat inside and prevent it from going out of the building, so the temperature inside will slowly rise. 

That is why people use solid ice to make igloo and not snowflakes. They cut the ice on the floor and shape it into a block, which they arrange to make a home. A block of ice is cut in two to make a curve that is pointed at the top.

Some animals, like polar bear, have known that solid ice can keep you warm long before humans find out about it. Some of them make a cave from ice to survive from the cold.

The Inuit people have lived in the northern area around Greenland, North Canada and Alaska. The reason they use ice instead of wood to build a house is obviously because there are not any. So they use what is available to build a home, which is snow and ice.

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