Tuesday, 23 Apr 2024

Now, scientists managed to find a cure for cancer


The scientist The scientist

News24xx.com -  The Yale Cancer Center conducts a research, whose the results are published in many scientific publications in the United States.

Apparently, scientists managed to found a product that protects the human from all types of cancer.

The US researchers argue that the used of two handfuls of peanuts in a week, can save a person from cancer.

This is because nuts contain with substances that help to reduce blood glucose, which increases the insulin sensitivity. During the process of insulin sensitivity in the human body, the inflammatory process is eliminated, which often leads to the transformation of healthy cells into cancer cells.

Thus, the body develops resistance to oncologic disease and nearly 50% protected from this category of disease.

It should be noted,  that high sensitivity to insulin in the human body means it will reduce the risk of dangerous diseases, such as heart disease and blood vessels, cancer, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and many others.

The US scientists say the healthiest nuts to eat are cashew, walnuts and almonds.

In addition to reducing the risk of cancer, nuts are also able to reduce appetite that helps lose weight effectively.






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