Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

What are the requirements for being a liver donor?


IllustrationIllustration - Liver transplantation usually occurs when a donor recipient has cirrhosis of the liver or failure of liver function. In Indonesia alone, liver transplantation is more common in children than adults.

Dr. Toar J. M Lalisang, SpB (K) BD from the Department of Medical Surgery of RSCM said that there are conditions that must be met by donors to donate the liver to patients, who have the same blood type and aged 18-60 years."the priority is the one who has blood relation or family related to the recipient" said Dr.Toar.

Before a liver transplantation, both the donor and the recipient must perform a series of screening to find out the bad condition of both, especially the liver function on the donor must be healthy.

"If there are candidates who want to undergo a transplant, there is a process that must be passed to ensure the success of the transplant, because patients and donors have the same risks" continued Dr. Andri.

There are three stages to achieve liver transplantation. The first stage of donors and recipients should be to screen publicly, such as blood type checks, liver function checks, kidneys, and other vital organs. Liver function is defined by meld score, which is good for liver transplantation is 15 to 30. If it is less or more than that number, the recipient cannot accept a liver donor because the risk will be more dangerous.

If passed, the second stage is a CT scan, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and even performed a biopsy to make sure that his heart is normal and can be donated. If there is fatty liver, the liver cannot be donated. Then, if they passed, they will do transplantation.

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