Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Children of bombers in Sidoarjo were locked up and given doctrine by their parent


The orphan of bombers in SidoarjoThe orphan of bombers in Sidoarjo - The head of East Java Police Department, Machfud Arifin, said that the children of the bombers in Surabaya and Sidoarjo were given doctrine by their parents. The ones in Sidoarjo in particular, were not even sent to school. They were always brought to a religious meeting of their system by their parents.

The parents of the children told their children to claim that they were home-schooled whenever someone asked. “But the truth is there is no school, they were locked up and given special doctrines,” said Machfud on Tuesday, May 15th 2018.

Machfud said their parent intentionally did that to isolate their children and prevent them from interacting with the outside world. Inside the house, they were taught doctrines about a distorted form of jihad through a video.

“So the children had no means of interacting with the other civilians. Only their father and mother were the ones who taught them things, which was the doctrine given through video,” he said.

The family of the bomber in Sidoarjo often brought their children to their system’s religious meeting. However, one of them disagreed with his parents and decided to follow their grandmother.

“The other three who said they were home-schooling admitted that every Sunday there was a routine meeting that their parents invited them to. Except for the eldest, who followed their grandmother,” Machfud said.

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