Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Keep younger with vitamin C


illustrationillustration - In one study, researchers reviewed people’s food journals and found that those with higher vitamin C intake had fewer wrinkles and less dryness (independent of age), sun exposure, and body weight. Vitamin C helps keep collagen strong and doubles as an antioxidant to clean up damage.

“Vitamin C is essential for building healthy, strong collagen, which contributes to fewer wrinkles and thicker hair,” says Jessica Wu, MD, a Los Angeles dermatologist and author of Feed Your Face, reported

According to Jessica, eating more fruits and vegetables is a good way to increase vitamin C intake, and it's best to eat them fresh and raw, since processing and cooking destroys this nutrient.

Oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, bell peppers, and tomato juice contain the highest levels of vitamin C, providing 100 percent or more of the recommended daily value.

While you work on your sunscreen routine, focus on adding a few key foods to your diet to reduce the look of brown spots and deep wrinkles.

“Studies show that eating cooked tomatoes can help fight sunburn and sun damage due to lycopene and other antioxidants found in tomatoes," Wu says. "So add extra tomato paste to your pizza and order a Bloody Mary instead of a beer.”***





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