Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

First in the world, the firefighters in Germany receive training to removing penis rings


Penis rings   Penis rings -  As a firefighter, they have to prepare themselves for some pretty hairy situations, not only to extinguish the fire. 

And the firefighters over in Germany, have an interesting lessons for the case in the field. As we know, in Germany every so often, the sex toys get a little too attached to their owners. Because, the demand of penis rings in that country is very high. And they forgot, to getting rid of a stuck penis ring is no easy task, and it requires delicate care and attention.

So, sometimes they call the firefighters to help them, which has left firefighters in high demand. And it means firefighters have to be trained properly before they can tackle such an emergency. 

On Friday, May 18 2018, at a seminar for 600 firefighters in Dresden, east Germany, firefighters learned about to handling the similar incident. The seminar – titled ‘Maschinenunfaelle’ (‘Mechanical Failures’) – showed them how to remove the ring from penis without harming the unfortunate man.

Some images from the course show trainees around a dummy with a lifelike dildo emerging through a heat shield blanket. And a penis ring was trapped on the shaft of the dummy’s ‘manhood’.  And rescuers have been called to free crochet needles stuck in a man’s urethra, a penis trapped in a bottle neck, and even an apple inserted up a man’s backside. 

The instructor named Eric Forberg, 39 years old, explained the way to release the ring from penis.

First, they must sensitivity and delicate work counts, before the penis is bandaged to prevent injuries from flying sparks.

Second, made a paste that able to absorb up to 4,000 degrees Celsius. and a spatula is then inserted between the ring before it can be cut off with a grinder. 

"And for the delicate procedure, should take less than 15 minutes," he say.

For the example in the past, one lifter in Worms, west Germany, spent three hours having his penis removed from the central hole of an iron weight. And the 2.5kg weight had to be shattered using a grinder and then cut up with a vibrating saw.

And he fortunate, his penis is not any injuries at for the delicate procedure.


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