Friday, 19 Apr 2024

Have an unique name, an Australia woman gains many Indonesian followers


Susah's Instagram accountSusah's Instagram account - She is neither a star nor an influencer, but this Australian woman gains a lot of followers from Indonesia. 


Because her name is “Susah,” which means “difficult” in Indonesian.

Since having Instagram account on 2011, Susah has been tagged by Indonesian people in their photos. 

Not because they took pictures together, but because Indonesian people like to tag the word “susah” in the photos she uploaded.

The photos that were tagged to Susah were selfie photos with captions such as “susah move one” (difficult to move on) or “susah senang bersama” (difficult to be happy together). As the result, Susah got a lot of tagging in her account due to the randomness of Indonesian people.

At first, Susah felt disturbed with so many people tagging her in a photo. She even locked her Instagram account so no one would be able to tag her anymore.

However, she got a lot of people following, tagging, and even commenting to make sure if her name is really Susah. Because of that, Susah opened her Instagram account again and let Indonesian people tag her. She has also become friendlier. 

She once wrote in her bio in Indonesian: “Dear Indonesia, berhenti tag akunku pada foto kalian,” (Dear Indonesia, stop tagging my account in your photos). 

She then changed it into: “Still difficult. Selamat Siang!! Saya tidak bisa bicara Bahasa Indonesia!!” (Still difficult. Good day!! I cannot speak Indonesian).

Susah has visited Indonesia, Bali to be exact, with her husband because she was curious to know just how Indonesian people really are. 

If you check her Instagram account, you will know that Susah is a traveler who loves to travel to many parts of the world, as can be seen from the photos she has taken.


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