Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Eight magic foods that will prevent from dehydration and keep you still slim


Mint water with lemonMint water with lemon -  In summer or when hot weather, to eating juicy fruits and vegetables and healthy foods like yogurt can save you from dehydration, skin sensitivity, as well as vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

And from suggest experts named Manoj Kutteri, Wellness Director at Atmantan Wellness Centre, and Raheela Hasan, health and nutrition specialist, Director and Founder at Fitrition - Nutrition For Life, have listed what you can enjoy to beat the heat recently :

1. Zucchini
As part of the summer squash family, zucchini contains a fiber called pectin, which is linked to increasing heart health and lowering cholesterol.


2. Tomatoes 
While tomatoes are filled with antioxidants and Vitamin C, they also contain beneficial phytochemicals such as lycopene, which contributes to chronic diseases, especially cancer.

3.  Watermelon
The high water content will also keep you feeling full, which could curb cravings. As an added summer bonus, watermelon also contains lycopene, which protects skin cells from sun damage.

4. Yogurt
The protein satisfies your growling tummy, which will keep you from overloading on salty, high-calorie snacks. It also adds a dose of probiotics, beneficial bacteria that keeps your digestive system running smoothly.

5. Oranges
The sweet citrus fruit is rich in potassium, a nutrient that is crucial in the summer. It replenishes keeps muscle cramps away and has about 80 per cent water.

6.  Celery
Celery act as diuretics, helping you lose excess water weight without causing dehydration. The ingredients in these stimulate your kidneys, causing them to flush waste and extra fluid from your body, which beats bloat in your tummy.

7. Mint with lemon
One glass of strained mint water with two drops of lemon works wonders. It acts as a liver cleanser, boosts your metabolism and helps those with a low appetite.


8. Cucumber
It has an alkaline producing effect on the body. The high water content in it cleanses the body by removing toxic and waste material.



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