Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

A woman was cut from a 27 ft python after being eaten alive while she was gardening


Wa TibaWa Tiba -  Tragic, a video from Indonesia that shown the horrifying moment when a woman was cut from a 27ft python after being eaten alive while she was gardening became viral on social media.

Previously, the woman named Wa Tiba, 54 years, a mother-of-two, was last seen on Thursday evening at 6.45pm, local time. At that time, she says that  she went out to do some gardening. 

Until Friday, June 15 2018, she not going home. And her children became concerned because there was no sign of her back to their home in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. 

Then, they began looking for her at 6am. But they only found her sandals, machete and torch around 30 metres from a patch of bushes that appeared ruffled.

They called the locals and they search for Wa Tiba together. Then, Wa Tiba’s son got a chilling discovery – an enormous python lounged on the ground barely able to move due to an enormous bulge in its belly. And the knife of Wa Tiba was found on the floor.

The frantic lads called police and by 9am hundreds of villagers had gathered round the patch of grass in the remote Mabolu Village in the Lohia Regency of Muna province. 

A local named Ayu Kartika said: ‘Everybody was crying, we know that the snake  had swallowed the poor woman head first. And everybody was shocked.  This is like a horror movie. People are terrified. We are scared to go outside."

Then,a shocking footage captured the moment the snake’s skin was sliced open to reveal the slime-covered corpse of the housewife.

Wa Tiba was still wearing her brown leggings and dark red top. It suggesting that she had dropped her knife after being struck with deadly power by the killer python. Her head was towards the snake’s tail and her feet at its mouth – showing that she had been swallowed head first. 

Police superintendent Agung Ramos from the Muna district Indonesian National Police said Wa Tiba had gone out to check her garden the previous evening and never returned.

"Her children and residents had been looking for Wa after she did not return home. Some items belonging to victim, sandals, machete, and flashlights, were found but the victim was not there."

At 9am, residents in Mabolu Village found a python that looked like it was unable to move. Residents then suspected the snake swallowed Wa Tiba. ‘

People took the snake into the village and started splitting the snake. The suspicions were true and there was a body in tact inside the snake. 

Unfortunately the victim was lifeless.






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