Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

A disturbing footage that shows a man finding a dead rat in his vegetarian meal in India


Ramesh, when holding the dead ratRamesh, when holding the dead rat -  What you will do if finding a dead rat on your food ?

This disgusting incident has occurred to a man in India.

At that time,he found  a dead rat in his vegetarian meal. The dish had been served at the Akshay Tiffin Centre, a restaurant supposedly specialising in vegetarian food, which can be found in Warangal, a city in the eastern Indian state of Telangana.

The man, identified only by his surname Ramesh said he had sat down inside the restaurant to eat his lunch time meal. He had ordered a brinjal curry which consists of aubergine, onion and green chili. 

When he noticed a dark coloured item on his tray that he was just about to pick up and eat – that he thought the dark coloured object was a piece of aubergine - which shockingly turned out to be a rat.

Then, Ramesh holding the dead rodent up by its tail and carrying it over to the counter to demand an explanation. He then called police who told Ramesh to speak to the local council’s hygiene officials. They confirmed that they had taken samples from the kitchen and had sent them off for examination. 

Ramesh said, "I found a black item looking like a brinjal (aubergine) piece. As I picked it up for a bite, I was shocked to discover that it was a dead rat. It's very disgusting."

Hygiene officials said that they found the staff in restaurant were not wearing gloves or hair nets, which resulted in a fine and a suspension of their licence to trade for three days whilst further investigations were carried out.

A spokesman for the local council health body said if it is an adverse report, then the place will be shut permanently. But otherwise, they will be allowed to open again but they must more concern to their cleanliness of restaurant.




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