Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Seven types of wive which most hated the most by Allah and the prophet


IllustrationIllustration - The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "Would you please tell me what is the best treasure trove (jewelery)? That is a shalihah woman, which when you see, she is pleasant, if you command, she obeys And when she left to go, she keeps herrself and her husband's property. " (Abu Dawood's narration).

From the hadith, it is implied that in this world there are various types of women. Good wife or shalihah woman, is the best treasure for a husband.

The delightful wife was attributed to virtuous, clean dress and matching makeup in front of her husband, and tried her best to appear attractive in front of her husband and children. If ordered she would obey, show her obedience and devotion to her husband. She wants to always give satisfaction to her husband.

Keeping herself and the property of her husband, illustrates how great the power of religion and the thickness of her faith in God and His Messenger. Despite her husband's absence, she retains the honor of herself and her husband's property.

The opposite is, if a woman is not a shalihah, and has a bad trait or habit, likes to trouble her husband, surely it is not a jewelry for a husband. In fact, it could be a husband does not feel at home with her, then divorce her.

Here are seven types of women and wives cursed by Allah and His Messenger, and often divorced by husbands:

1. Idlers. That is lazy to do anything.

2. Have no shame. Which allows her brother, her family or others to know, even into the house of her household. Also not ashamed to do things that God forbid. She is far from the nature of piety and many do immoral.

3. Ausyarah (dirty). That is not good at managing the house, lazy to tidy up. So that she, her children and her house dirty and unpleasant.

4. Asysyakasah (burden). That is like burdening her husband beyond his ability, thus encouraging the husband to do things that wrath the God.

5. Innah (challenging). Who does not want to be ruled by her husband. Dare to violate what is ordered, even against the husband. She listens more to her family's words, even others, than to the words of her husband. In addition, also often answered everything that was advised her husband.

6. Bitnah (emphasis on the stomach contents and many demanding). Who does not like to do infaq and reluctant to pay zakat. Always pile up her treasures and fill the stomach with endless food. To fulfill her desires, she encourages her husband to do things that can bring God's wrath.

7. Bahriyah (encouraging husband to do evil). It always prevents the husband from doing good. If he sees a husband setting aside a few percent and income for zakat and infaq, she is busy railing and complaining to his husband about the misguided ecstasy of the ladder, the growing need of the child, torn clothes, worn shoes and so on, doubtful.

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