Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Treasures found in Auschwitz mug. From the time of the Nazis...


gold ring and necklace that had been concealed in a false base of a mug gold ring and necklace that had been concealed in a false base of a mug - Workers at the Auschwitz Museum found a gold ring and necklace that had been concealed in a false base of a mug confiscated by Nazis.

A mug taken by Nazis at Auschwitz has been hiding a secret for more than 70 years. Workers recently found a gold ring and necklace concealed in the mug’s false base.

Over the years, the metal mound of the mug finally rusted. But when it fell out, it turned out that under a thin layer of iron there was a secret compartment. There, securely hidden from prying eyes, lay a ring and a chain.
On a chain wrapped in a canvas and a female ring there is a grade of 583 with a seal in the form of a knight's head. This is the mark that was placed on gold jewelry in Poland during the period between world wars.

The hiding of valuable items proves on the one hand to the awareness of the victims as to the robbery nature of the deportation. On the other hand it shows that the Jewish families constantly had a ray of hope that these items will be required for their existence.

Unfortunately, there is no way to identify the original owner of these items. 

Thus, the ring with the chain became a symbol of the hope of millions of Jews to live after the camp gate.

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