Thursday, 18 Apr 2024

With sweetheart paradise is possible in the hut. A family couple lives already 22 years in a  sewer!


 family couple lives already 22 years in a  sewer! family couple lives already 22 years in a  sewer! - In the world there are 2 types of people. Some constantly complain that everything is wrong with them, while others are adapting to what they have.

This happy couple from Colombia belongs to the second type. They live in the sewers and, despite the lack of many amenities, are quite satisfied with life.

It's hard to believe, but Maria Garcia and her husband Miguel Restrepo live in the sewers for 22 years.
Maria and Miguel were both addicts when they met in Medellin (Colombia). This city is famous throughout the world for crime and drug mafia. They lived on the street, and drug addiction destroyed their lives. They found met and together decided to quit with drugs.
They had no friends, no relatives, so they settled in the sewer.

Here they got off the needle, found a new meaning in life and strengthened in their love for each other. Since then, they live in the sewers and are not going to leave it.
They turned this unpleasant place at first into a cozy house with all the necessary things:

They have electricity, heating and a small kitchenette. Like everyone else, they decorate their house during the holidays.
The couple also have a dog named Blackie, who guards the house in their absence. They are happy! This is the best proof of the proverb that with the lovely person paradise s possible even in the hut!

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