Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

The danger of eating too much avocado that you should know


AvocadoAvocado -  Many people in the world loves avocado too much. And some to near obsession. And avocado has barely any bad down-sides nutritionally.

But, a nutritionist and a heart doctor reveal the dangers of overdoing when you eat avocado and revealed about the limit should be.

Avocado is a better fat than animal fat. The fat that makes it so velvety is the kind of ‘good’ unsaturated fat, that can to lower our levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL). 

Dr Andrew Freeman, a cardiologist at National Jewish Health said, "I always tell patients that they should eat any fat in moderation, avocado included. But for people with advanced heart disease, there’s evidence that they shouldn’t have it at all."

From a nutrition standpoint, the high calorie count is an issue. In fact, you only need a fraction of this fruit to get the benefits.

"It’s healthy but it’s all about portion control," Freeman told as quoted from

As we know, the fat helps you better absorb valuable vitamins of everything else you’re eating, especially vitamins A, D, E and K. Avocado is a better fat than animal fat. B, But avocado are really calorie dense.






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