Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Detained in prison, this man is managed to burn down a whole family to death in their house


Daeng AmpuhDaeng Ampuh - The leader of perpetrators who burned a family in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Daeng Ampuh turned out to order two executor teams to end the victim's life. These two teams have duties to collect the victim’s debt and kill his family. "So this Daeng Ampuh ordered two groups of arsonists" said Kapolrestabes Makassar, Kombes Pol Irwan Anwar told AFP on Tuesday, August 14th 2018.

"From the information, this was what Daeng Ampuh said 'this is IDR 500 thousand. And used this methamphetamine before go there'," continued Irwan mimicking Daeng Ampuh's words.

The first group was Iwan Lili who then ordered his brother, Riswan. Riswan then invited his colleagues to collect the debt and intercept Fahri (victim) at Barukang street and beat him. "The second group is Andi Muhammad Ilham, he was also assigned to collect the debt and burn victim’s house" he said.

He hopes that this case will be completed soon with the arrest of Appank, which is currently still in pursued. Appank was in the second group. "From the outside, this house was doused with gasoline and burned with fire" he said.

6 People have been named as suspects in this case and 3 of them are threatened with death penalty. "In Article 340 paragraph 3 juntao 55 of Criminal Code with threat of death penalty or life sentence" said Irwan.

3 People threatened with the death penalty are Andi Muhammad Ilham, Daeng Ampuh, and Appank. Daeng Ampuh as the brain of this murder gave instructions to kill Fahri from inside of his cell in the Makassar prison.

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