Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

These are the health and beauty benefits of pineapple that may you want to know


IllustrationIllustration - This fruit can be found in many tropical regions, one of which is in the Asian region. Not only its shapes that have distinctive features, but they are also good in taste.

The taste of sourness in this fruit makes it widely used as a variety of culinary dishes, such as rujak, asinan, and even as a complementary ingredient in recipes.

Currently getting pineapple is not difficult, we can find it in traditional markets or also in supermarkets. For those of you who like this pineapple, of course not only spoil the tongue but behind the pleasure of its taste, the extraordinary benefits pineapple are stored.

These are Some of the benefits of pineapple include the following:

Benefits of Pineapple for Health

1. Macular Degeneration Prevention

Macular degeneration is a condition of adults who experience vision loss. This disorder causes difficulty to read and recognize something correctly. The beta carotene substance found in the benefits of carrots, is also present in pineapple which empowers vision and must be consumed regularly for eye health.

2. Enhance Immunity

Vitamin C in pineapple can enhance immune system due to its powerful antioxidant effects. In addition, pineapple contains rich amino acids. Amino acids help increase the immune system and maintain the availability of energy in the body so as not to fatigue.

3. Helps Digestion

Like many other fruits and vegetables, pineapple contains dietary fiber which is very important in keeping you organized and in maintaining intestinal health. But unlike many other fruits and vegetables, pineapple contains large amounts of bromelain, an enzyme that breaks down protein, possibly aiding digestion, according to the American Cancer Society.

4. Prevent Hypertension

Someone who tends to have high blood pressure, of course, will try to make their blood pressure stable again. The right choice of food is one of them, namely considering the pineapple diet for hypertension. The high amount of potassium content as found in the benefits of bananas. but contains a low sodium content, will help maintain normal blood pressure levels.

5. Relieve Nausea

Fresh pineapple juice can relieve nausea, for example to overcome morning sickness. This is quite useful for pregnant women who usually experience nausea. It also helps people who are traveling with vehicles, which often causes motion sickness.

6. Strengthen bones

Not only the benefits of milk containing calcium for bone health. But manganese is present in abundant amounts in pineapple and helps strengthen bones and connective tissue. A cup of pineapple juice will give about 73% of the manganese needed for the day. A study shows that manganese along with other minerals can help prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

Benefits of Pineapple for Beauty

1. Maintaining Skin elasticity

Pineapple provides support for collagen synthesis in the body. The higher collagen synthesis will make the skin more elastic. In addition, other nutrients in it such as amino acids and vitamin C will affect damaged cells and tissues to be repaired quickly. Use new pineapple juice on the face then wash using warm water after 10 minutes.

2. Repairing Leg Skin

Pineapple can be a natural scrub for the feet which helps in scaly leg decay, calluses on the feet and restores the skin to become smooth and soft. Pineapple can also win inflammation and swelling in the skin of the feet which is triggered by cracked leg skin.

3. Moisturize the skin

Vitamin-rich content such as the benefits of watermelon and the benefits of cucumber, pineapple overcome the lack of fluid in the body and skin. Dry skin looks dull and unattractive. The benefits of pineapple will have a hydrating effect on the skin. Mix about 3 tablespoons of crushed fresh pineapple. Then add egg yolk and a little milk. Apply to dry areas of the skin and leave for a few minutes, then wash thoroughly with warm water.

4. Restore Lip Health

Pineapple fruit that is used in conjunction with the benefits of coconut oil, can help overcome chapped lips. Pineapple and coconut oil are nutritious, which heals chapped lips and softens bibr. In addition, this mixture of coconut oil and pineapple gives a natural luster to the lips.

5. Softens and Strengthens Nails

Lack of vitamin A intake can open up the chance of brittle nails. But it can get worse, if you have a vitamin B deficiency that causes the nails to crack and split. No need to use a multivitamin to prevent this condition, only by consuming pineapple. External applications and internal consumption that are truly regular can heal that condition.

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