Friday, 19 Apr 2024

Know this, turns out our skin start to age in the age of 23 years


IllustrationIllustration - Do you have your 23rd birthday today? In this special age, it turns out that a dermatologist has something to say to you."We never know when we age, there is only some literature found that we seem to be aging at the age of 23 years, male and female, between 23-25" said Dr. Jonathan R. Subekti, SpKK, from Bamed Skin Care.

What is the cause? This is because the number of cells is damaged rather than the renewable ones. From there it starts to look fine wrinkles, spots, stretch marks, even cellulite on the body. Because of this, facial treatment should be done as early as possible. Moreover, entering puberty, most people have to wait first, so a serious problem arises, just consult a doctor.

"Actually there are no definite limits on when is the right time to start skin care. However, generally teenagers will start the initiative to seek skin care in puberty, where skin disorders begin to arise due to the influence of androgen hormones" explained Dr. Martinus.

From now on you have to recognize your skin type. Do not forget to pay attention to the cleanliness of your facial skin with routinely wash your face. Remember, don't overdo it too.

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