Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Police brutality, 87 years old grandmother was shot by police due to holding knife in her garden


Martha Al-BisharaMartha Al-Bishara - A policeman in the United States (US) fired an electric shock weapon at 87-year-old grandmother. Because of the grandmother carried a knife while gardening near her home in Georgia.

 As reported by AFP on Friday, August 17th 2018, the incident started when a grandmother named Martha Al-Bishara (87) who could not speak English, use a knife to cut the dandelions near her home on Friday, August 16th 2018 local time. The activity of cutting the dandelion was done by Bishara near her house. A club worker called 911 after seeing Bishara holding with her knife.

Local police came to the location, found Bishara still holding a knife. They asked the grandmother to drop the knife. But the instructions were not obeyed by the grandmother. The police then used electric shock or taser against Bishara. Not only was shot with a taser, grandmother was also handcuffed.

"It is the lowest use of violence we can do to stop the threat at the time" Chatsworth Police Chief Josh Etheridge told local media.

Responding to this incident, Bishara's granddaughter, Martha Douhe, told NBC that her grandmother thought 'she was hit by a real shot'. "We never really told her about an electric shock or Taser, and she also did not know what it was" said Martha Douhe, calling her grandmother a sleep disturbance and fear of leaving the house after the incident.

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