Tuesday, 23 Apr 2024

This is important steps that taken by the Government of Rokan Hilir Regency for the world of education


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News24xx.com - The Government of Rokan Hilir Regency prioritizes improving the quality of education. This commitment is evidence of the attention of the Rohil Regency Government, which is currently headed by Rokan Hilir Regent H Suyatno AMP.

Education is an act or process of making knowledge or acquiring general knowledge and developing the power of reason. Referring to this understanding, it can be understood that the better one's education is, the better knowledge and development of the quality of human resources.

The quality of education has become a standard benchmark for a country, government in determining the progress of progress and decline of a region. In other words the success or failure of the development of a region is strongly influenced by human resources it has. The more advanced education will improve the human resources owned by the area.

Thus the importance of the role of education, it is only natural for the government and all levels of society to pay great attention to this field.

The implementation of the attention of the local government of Rokan Hilir Regency is reflected in various programs aimed at the world of education both revamping building infrastructure, facilities that support the educational process and in the superstructure sector in the form of capacity building, capability capabilities of educators such as teacher certification activities.

Various development of educational infrastructure can be seen directly from the many schools that have been built. Based on data released by the Rokan Hilir Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) recorded in the 2014/2015 school year in Rokan Hilir Regency there were 866 schools.

The number consisted of 181 kindergartens, 419 elementary schools, 206 junior high schools and 60 high schools / equivalent. Most of the schools are state schools, amounting to 390 (39.18 percent) consisting of 16 TK, 277 SDN, 65 SLTPN, and 32 Public Senior High Schools.

Whereas private schools consist of 165 TK, 142 elementary schools, 141 junior high schools and 28 high schools. Whereas when viewed from the spread of the location of kindergarten and high school both public and private schools totaling 866 schools, Bagan Sinembah Sub-District has the most schools, namely 159 schools (24.42 percent).

Schools in Pujud and Tanah Putih Subdistricts are 117 schools (12.65 percent) and 107 schools (10.54) respectively. The number of schools in Tanah Putih Tanjung Melawan and Rantau Kopar are 17 schools and 10 schools respectively.

Compared to the large number of schools, the highest number of kindergarten to high school students is in Bagan Sinembah Subdistrict, which is 21,943 people. Bangko Sub-District occupies the second place with 16,884 students. Then Pujud District is 13,023 people. Along with the fewest schools, Batu Hampar and Rantau Kopar sub-districts only have 2,208 and 1,255 school students.

The most widespread distribution of public and private school students is in elementary schools with 89,961 people. The number of junior high school students is 33,218 people. While the number of high school students is 21,418.

A total of 8,311 teachers spread across fourteen sub-districts and in 866 schools, both public and private in Rokan Hilir Regency. The largest number of teachers is 4,426 elementary school teachers or 49.23 percent of all teachers in Rokan Hilir Regency.

The number of junior high school teachers and high school teachers is 1,680 (25.43 percent) and 1,435 (16.67 percent). While the number of kindergarten teachers is 770, this means that there are an average of 4 kindergarten teachers in each kindergarten school.

In 2014 the school expectation rate of Rokan Hilir Regency was still below the Riau Province average, which was only 11.42 with an average length of school of 7.62 years compared to Riau Province of 12.45 with an average length of school 8, 47 years old.

This means that the average Rokan Hilir resident decides to drop out of school when grade 2 is junior high school. Based on the 2015 Rokan Hilir regional statistical data, it is known that the highest level of education for the population of Rokan Hilir in 2012 is the highest level of elementary school (SD), which is around 32 percent. This fact makes the Rokan Hilir regional government continue to make various breakthroughs to improve the world of education.


"Education has been programmed for the construction of learning facilities, mobiles, libraries, scholarships and even universities in Java such as UGM, IPB, ITB and some even lectured to al Azhar, Cairo, Egypt," said Rokan Hilir regent H Suyatno AMP.

Not long ago the Rokan Hilir district government through the Education office selected the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) state entrance examination. There were 37 students who performed as well as Rohil.

"The aim is through the scholarship program for these outstanding students in order to prepare the Rohil HR in order to explore the potential in Rohil," said Acting Secretary of the Secretariat Drs. H Surya Arfan MSi.

This entrance examination test is clearly a collaboration between the Government of Rohil and the IPB that has been carried out in recent years. At present only those who have finished are recorded and 52 people have graduated from the institute.

The former Head of the Department added, Rokan Hilir has the ability of students to academically continue their education to college. On the other hand, many outstanding students are unable to finance lectures.

"Rokan Hilir also has no tertiary institution whose scientific discipline can answer the potential of Rokan Hilir," he said.

While the Head of Rohil Education, Ir. H Amiruddin MM said, for the available budget, there were 10 people entering IPB. but this number is not absolute and depends on the results of the test later.

Head of the Rokan Hilir Education Agency Amiruddin stressed that so far the regional government was not idle in response to this situation. Rather, it continues to carry out various literacy programs both within the sub-district scope and involves the role of the district level.

One of the priorities of the Education Office is reaching out to people with illiteracy by encouraging Community Learning Centers (PKBM), which are generally active in providing education, training to the community at the sub-district level.

"Although the government holds the main control, it must be understood that efforts to eradicate illiteracy cannot be carried out by the government alone, ideally the private sector and the community will also participate together," said Amiruddin.

It was explained that the local government of Rokan Hilir district continued to strive to reduce the number of people with illiteracy. This step is an effort to support the realization of quality human resources in the field of education. Increasing the education sector is a priority program from the regional government that is always considered annually.

As is known, illiteracy problems contribute significantly to existing Human Development Index (HDI). Experience and research show that literacy is an important tool to eradicate poverty, expand employment opportunities, improve gender equality, improve family health and protect the environment, and encourage people's participation in the democratization process.

Illiteracy in a limited sense, inability to read or write simple sentences in any language. The number of people who cannot read and write in Rokan Hilir Regency reaches 1,930 people in 2014.

From this number, 260 people were freed from illiteracy in a lapse of one year so that in 2015 there were only 1,670 people who were still undergoing literacy-free education.

But this war with illiteracy is not a work that can be completed, while humanitarian civilization is still running and developing illiteracy rates still exist. Even in this modern age there are still people who don't go to school because of various reasons such as poverty, marginal conditions, low awareness of the importance of education and others.

"It means that in one year there has been a reduction in the number of illiterate people," said Education Agency head Rohil Amiruddin.

This amount is derived from data gathered in literacy activities carried out by the Rohil Community Learning Center (PKBM).

For the latest figures (2016), Amiruddin added, he was still in the data collection process because for the exam activities to obtain the Sukma diploma, the diploma of the sign had received basic lessons on illiteracy was still not held.

How much is the exact number, it is impossible to know because it is estimated that there are still productive and non-productive people who are illiterate but are reluctant to convey the situation to PKBM or indeed do not have good access, aside from being embarrassed to relearn.

On the other hand, the number of children who do not get education is estimated to remain so that the work to eradicate illiteracy can be called an eternal task that does not stop as long as civilization still exists.


"From the recorded figure, compared to the number of Rohil people in education, I think the percentage is very small," said Amiruddin. Amiruddin invited all parties to be able to jointly support the eradication of illiteracy, especially since the current government has provided various supports and conveniences besides being scattered in formal and non-formal institutions that seek to help citizens get teaching.

"The program currently has a lot to do with how the community supports eradicating illiteracy, even the government has set up education for compulsory education up to 12 years, meaning that every child has the right to education up to high school level," he said.

Educational activities in PBKM are another effort so that access to education is expanded in addition to being free of illiteracy while at the same time helping people with no age limit to get educational equality with a diploma in packages A, B and C.

This is based on the awareness that the problem of education is very complex, in fact there are people who even though they really want to get education but because of various life problems faced can only force someone to stop going to school so that they can take equality through the Package chase system.

In the Commemoration of National Teacher's Day and 70th PGRI Anniversary in Rokan Hilir at the end of last year, it was centered in Bangko Pusako. Thousands of teachers present graced him.

The Teacher's Day commemoration was attended by Regent Suyatno, interspersed with educational exhibitions from the Nusantara Vocational School and ceremonies. When becoming a ceremonial coach, Regent Suyatno in his message said, along with the demands and developments of the times, the advancement of science and technology, especially technology in the field of informatics

So along with that also makes its own challenges for the existence of teachers, whose functions and roles are seen as important in printing and preparing a superior and competitive young generation, intelligent and applicative which is an ideal that cannot be negotiated anymore.

In the future, the quality of teachers to prepare graduates of intelligent students has moral character and has independence and responsibility towards the future of this nation has become the responsibility of teachers both institutionally and individually.

Given the magnitude of the function and role of the teacher, the paradigm that places the teacher as an unsung hero is no longer relevant.

Now and in the future the teacher has been seen as a professional worker who is measured by performance through certification and valued according to their respective performance, both through structural payroll and functional payroll, plus incentive according to the urgency and needs of each teacher.

According to Suyatno, PGRI must always build strength and togetherness to create a professional, prosperous, and dignified teacher to improve the quality of education and educate the nation's life.

PGRI should realize, there is no victory without strength. There is no power without unity. There is no unity without meeting and association professionally for the sake of nation-building.

The government along with PGRI will continue to make efforts in improving the welfare of teachers and other education personnel. In the span of 16 years of the journey of Rokan Hilir Regency, development programs in the education sector and increased human resources are always placed as priority programs.

Policies in the education sector and improving the quality of human resources, according to Suyatno, continue to improve the quality of learning facilities and infrastructure for students, provide scholarships and financial assistance for students who are less able and send students with high achievement in various national and foreign universities.

While the policies and efforts of the government in improving the quality of teachers, through providing opportunities for teachers to obtain certification.

At present the government has sent 2,096 teachers to undergraduate level education in various fields of study. The amount is only 20% of the 10,423 teachers who teach in 901 schools spread across 18 sub-districts throughout Rokan Hilir Regency.


Rohil Regency Government continues to improve the quality of education, so far there has been a lot of building and fixing schools in each sub-district. In fact, every year Pemkab Rohil through the education office (Disdik) educates students who excel in various well-known universities in this country.

"One of our efforts is to improve the quality of education in this country by building and fixing existing schools. In addition, we also send students who have achievements in several universities funded by the government. Regarding the existence of several damaged or abandoned schools, the construction is mostly "I have a private school status. I think that the school with the status of the country is good," he said recently.

In the same place Kadisdik Rohil, Ir. H. Amiruddin MM said, to improve the education of the young generation must be able to build good character, good quality, and good ethics. If it exists within our young generation, it is strongly believed that in general it will be able to build a good national character.

In order for this to happen, educators and parents will always provide a good lesson for their students. "I think there are no shortcomings for the number of dirohil teachers, but it is just not well organized. So we are trying to arrange for teachers who teach in schools in accordance with their educational capabilities," said Amiruddin.

"The National Education Day commemoration which is held every year is a momentum to strengthen the nation's commitment to development, especially in the field of education. Because the development of the world of education is the main way to rise to reach the progress and honor of the nation," Erianda said.

"Schools in Rohil are good and are targeted to gradually have new School Units," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Education Agency Rohil Amiruddin said, according to the theme of education is a mouthpiece to educate the next generation as a step to create quality human beings.

"Education is certainly a shared responsibility of the entire community besides the government's obligation as a party that complements the facilities and fosters teaching staff," said Amiruddin.

He thanked the Rohil educators who have been serious in teaching the younger generation starting from the level of PAUD, kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school and university, even the district government is not only limited to facilitating but also sending outstanding students to state universities well-known in Indonesia and abroad.

"The problem of the education world will never end, but it must continue to be adapted to the conditions of the times. Giving birth to the next generation is not half-hearted, if they excel we excel in hopes of serving in Rokan Hilir later," he said.

The Rokan Hilir Regency Government (Rohil) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the University of Riau (UR) at the UR Rectorate Building, Pekanbaru, Monday 7 March 2016.

This signing is to strengthen cooperation in the field of education, research and community service and improvement of Human Resources (HR).

"Rohil Regency Government and Riau University are close partners since the establishment of Rohil. Collaboration in the form of programs and works well to realize the welfare and progress of the humanitarian nation," said the number one Rohil in the interruption of his speech.

According to him, during this time UR was always able to offer ideas and ideas related to education and research in technological science. And also responsive to the problems faced by the wider community, especially Rohil. In the future challenges and problems will certainly be more complex but must be done seriously to solve them.

Therefore, we as the Government of Rokan Hilir want to extend the collaboration between the University of Riau and the Rokan Hilir Regency Government. On that occasion the Regent also explained the real conditions of the Rohil. And will apply the results of the elected Rohil Regent's vision and mission.

"So to realize the vision and mission, we must prepare experts in their fields. And one of the places to study is the University of Riau. This is a pride for us," the Regent concluded.

While the Chancellor of UR, Prof. Dr. Ir Aras Mulyadi DEA expressed his gratitude to Kabupaten Rohil who still trusted UR as a partner in terms of education, research and community service and increased human resources.

"In accordance with our MoU material on this momentum, there are three fields that have become the focus of cooperation between UR and Rohil Regency Government, namely the fields of education, research, and community service, as well as increasing human resources," said the Chancellor.

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