Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

The Barokah Friday Program, Rohul Regional Police Sharing with Duafha and Poor Citizens


Photo : InternetPhoto : Internet -  As a form of caring and sharing with each other, Rokan Hulu Police Chief Adj. Comm. M. Hasyim Risahondua, SIK, M.Sc with the group made a program called as the Friday Barokah Police Caring with the poor and dhuafa citizens in the Suka Maju Village, Rambah District, Rokan Hulu Regency Rohul) on Friday January 17 2019.

In that social activity, Mr Hasyim who was also accompanied by Police Commissioner Willy Kartamanah, Aks, Sip, M.Sc., the Head of Binmas, AKP Supriyana, Head of Narcotics, AKP Masjang Efendi and Kapolsek Rambah AKP Hermawan.

Then, Head of Propam Iptu Yohanes Tindaon, SH, Paur Public Relations Ipda Nanang Pujiono, SH, Bhabin Suka Maju Village Bripka J.M. Sinaga and the village head of Suka Maju Maju Suherdi.

In the vigorous Friday Barokah, Rohul District Police provided assistance to 10 Suka Maju Villagers, namely Sudirman (50), Tiamar (85), Ratimah (82),  Ismail, (68), Rajilah (82), Ceylon (68).

Then, Endah (72), Umi Rosidah (80), Safiarisma (60) and M. Nawi (64).

The assistance provided to the duafa and the needy in the form of groceries.
Submission of food aid in the form of groceries and compassion money was immediately handed over by Rohul Police Chief AKBP M Hasyim Risahondua, SIK, M.Sc., accompanied by Waka Polres and Rohul Police Officers and Rambah Police Chief, village head and Bhabinkamtibmas on foot.

Chief of Police Rohul AKBP M. Hasyim Risahondua SIK M.Si said the purpose of this initiative was to stay in touch and share love with the poor and the poor.

"Then it can ease the burden of difficulties among fellow believers, Rohul police hope that the assistance provided can ease the burden of the difficulties they have experienced," he said.

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