Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Had failed in the first attempt, India will launch its rocket again with the aim to land on the moon


IllustrationIllustration - Had a fail attempt on July 15 last, the Indian space agency (ISRO) continues to struggle to realize its dream to land their rocket to the moon, and recently they have announced the rocket launch date with the aim of landing on the moon, namely on July 22 tomorrow.

Now, India gets back with a new mission called Chandrayaan-2 with hopes this mission will successfully land its rocket at the Moon's south pole. This mission itself focuses on finding water and minerals on the surface of the Moon and measuring earthquakes in the Earth's natural satellites and also for their own costs, the mission said has cost around USD 150 million (IDR 2 trillion).

If this second mission is successful, India will become the fourth country to land their artificial rocket on the surface of the Moon. Previously, after the United States, China and the Soviet Union have done that.

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