Friday, 19 Apr 2024

Meranti livestock department said that the sacrificial animal for Eid al-Adha should not be deformed


IllustrationIllustration - The Islamic holiday Eid Al-Adha, which falls on Augut 11th 2019, is nearing. As the holiday draws near, the Food Crops and Livestock Security Department (DPKTPP) of Meranti Islands Regency reminds us that the animals that will be sacrificed for the holiday should not be disabled, deformed, or defective in any way.

According to the livestock section of DPKTPP, Armizar Abdullah, it is part of the criteria. The animal that is sacrificed has to be physically healthy and normal.

“For the sacrificial animals, firstly, they have to be males, secondly, aged 2 years and up, and thirdly, are not deformed. In other words, there are no physical problems like in the legs, the skin, the ears, and the eyes. It is all part of Islamic sharia law,” he said.

Armizar said that animals who have deformed legs should not be sacrificed as well, although only the meat that will be consumed. When asked about how many sacrificial animals in Meranti this year, he said he was still not sure.

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