Tuesday, 16 Apr 2024

Residents of Tualang Complain about Damaged Road, GM Pelindo Asked to Accelerate 'Siak Inline Water Wist' Program


Tualang Subdistrict meeting with residents and PT PelindoTualang Subdistrict meeting with residents and PT Pelindo

News24xx.com - Upika Tualang District held a meeting with the community and PT Pelindo 1, to discuss the damaged road in Bunut, Tualang District, Tuesday, December 3, 2019.

The meeting, which was chaired by the Head of Tualang Subdistrict, Zalik Efendi and the Chief of the Tualang Private Police Unit, SH, was tough, the Pinang Sebatang Timur community complained about repairing the damaged roads along 2 KM in Bunut, Tualang District.

During the meeting, residents expressed their frustration with the state-owned company PT Pelindo 1 in Kampung Pinang Sebatang Timur, Tualang District, because they were seen as indifferent and seemingly indifferent to the community.

"It has been done twice by Pelindo 1 that the road has to go through a demo process, even though we have conveyed it to Pelindo through good channels, but Pelindo 1 does not seem to care, as if it is indifferent to the local community, that's what we regret," explained Syopiyardi who is the chairman of Bapekam Pinang Sebatang Timur.

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He conveyed, over-capacity cars owned by Pelindo 1 and company partners, were often reckless when passing, even though the road was used by the community for daily activities.

"We have told Pelindo 1 not to cross during rush hour because many people work and school children, it is dangerous, because many victims of traffic accident have fallen," he added.

He continued, it was too sad the fate of the residents of Pinang Sebatang Timur, in addition to damaged roads, residents were also forced to enjoy the effects of dust, noise and the smoke of container vehicles that were very disturbing to the community.

"We ask for this solution, if necessary there is an alternative road or container cars can also pass at night," he explained.

Responding to the problem, the General rebellion I Wayan admitted that every year he had repaired the Bunut road in Tualang District. He said, actually the user was not just Pelindo 1, but there was a partner company.

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"I will talk to the Indonesian truck association, the owner of the goods transported, as well as the government, all of this must be discussed again, because the existence of the port is purely in the interests of the region," he explained

Regarding the people's demand for limitation of company mobilization working hours, he said that Pelindo could not make such a decision, the reason being because it was closely related to the smooth flow of goods from Pekanbaru or other regions.

"I will talk to Organda, I will talk to the Transportation Agency and the KSOP for the port's statement that it operates 24 hours a day," he added.

Regarding the solution, the Chairman of PT Pelindo 1 said that the solution that could be implemented was to accelerate the 'Siak Inline water wist' program. Where, Pelindo 1 will reduce the intensity of its vehicles by land because of the many social impacts they cause.

"All goods unloaded at the port of Perawang will later be transported to Pekanbaru via the river route, with this incident, we will try to accelerate the program," he concluded.


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