Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Bored With Unremarkable Poses, This Girl Gets Bad Criticism from Netizens Taking Photos in Chinese Burials


Lestari uploaded her inappropriate photo in her facebookLestari uploaded her inappropriate photo in her facebook - An unpleasant incident occurred in Indonesia. The incident began when a girl named Lestari uploaded to her Facebook page a picture that showed her sitting in a Chinese grave.

She wrote a statement, "Change first, I'm fed up with what I have."

Unpleasant comments suddenly rained down on the upload.

One of the comments read, "That's taboo, sister. When the Chinese see this, you will be punished under the law. "

Although it is still unclear what exactly that Sustainable intention is, it does not deserve to be done.

  The information he gave did not have anything to do with the picture he posted. However, it would be better if he tried to change the pose and background of his photo with something different.




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