Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

Creepy! Headless Male Bodies Found Again in Lumajang Pasirian Beach


IllustrationIllustration - Again, a headless corpse was found floating on the south coast of Selok Anyar Village, Pasirian District, Lumajang, East Java, Sunday (19 January 2020).

There was no identification attached to the body.

Head of the Lumajang BPBD Preparedness, Emergency, and Logistics Division, Wawan Hadi said, his party together with the Pasirian Sector Police had evacuated the body.

The body was evacuated to RSUD Dr. Haryoto Lumajang.

When found, the body was wearing shorts Adidas brand blue drawstring.

The bodies found were only the body part of the chest down and the shins.

The body is known to be male.

When found his condition was rotten. The condition of the body is not intact.

Now the case of the discovery of the body was handled by the Pasirian Police and Lumajang Police.



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