Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

Do You Have Diabetes? These 4 Tips For Healthy And Safe Breakfast For Diabetes Sufferers


IllustrationIllustration - According to Kelly O'Connor, RD, an education director on diabetes at Mercy Medical Center, breakfast is very useful for supplying nutrients and energy for the body's performance.

Breakfast is very important for diabetics, but there are some rules for diabetics' breakfast menus.

Reporting from various sources, the following are breakfast rules for diabetics.


1. Avoid foods that contain sugar

Breakfast is highly recommended for diabetics, but diabetics still need to avoid foods that contain sugar.

Besides being able to trigger an increase in blood sugar levels, foods high in sugar are also less effective for being used as an energy source by the body.

2. Meet your fiber intake

Fiber intake is very important for diabetics because foods that are rich in fiber will not make blood sugar rise and will instead help control blood sugar levels.

Fiber that is filled from the daily breakfast meal can also make the stomach full longer and help reduce the accumulation of visceral fat, which is fat that accumulates in several parts of the body that are harmful to health.


3. Eat food sources of protein

In addition to fiber, protein is also important for consumption by diabetics at breakfast.

A balanced breakfast should consist of a healthy source of carbohydrates with protein and less fat.

Sources of protein can even make people with diabetes full longer.

Protein for breakfast diabetics can be obtained from eggs, tempeh, tofu, fish, and lean meat.

4. Avoid processed foods

Processed foods such as sausages, nuggets and smoked meats should be avoided even if they are practical and delicious.

These foods are not recommended for people suffering from diabetes because they are not a healthy source of carbohydrates and protein.

These foods will actually provide high calories and are dangerous for diabetics.

Not only food, but processed drinks also need to be avoided because it has a lot of sugar content that is dangerous if consumed by people with diabetes.



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