Thursday, 25 Apr 2024

Revealed! This Market Is Allegedly Hard As The Origin Where Corona Virus Is Growing


One of the menus available in the market which sells various kinds of wild animal meatOne of the menus available in the market which sells various kinds of wild animal meat - Now it's revealed the origin of the spread of the virus outbreak. A Wuhan Seafood and Meat Market in China is strongly suspected as the zero points of development for the outbreak. Imagine, the market is known to sell more than 112 types of wild animals.

Where the meat of wild animals is seen as 'exotic meat' and has a delicious food taste for local residents.

Not only selling snake, bat, and rat meat, in this market, buyers can also buy dog ??meat, koalas, cubs, snakes, porcupines, crocodiles, mice, and even reptiles such as giant salamanders.

Due to the lack of standard hygiene procedures and the unclear level of food maturity, the coronavirus can easily be transmitted from one person to another, especially if the person does not have good knowledge.

Until now, the Wuhan virus has spread to Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, South Korea, the United States, and maybe even Mexico. Therefore, for those of you who want to go abroad, you should expect to be aware of this virus by taking precautions to keep yourself safe. However, it would be better to avoid traveling to China for a while.


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