Wednesday, 24 Apr 2024

Celebrate the 55th Birthday, This is the Message of Halim, the Vice Regent of Kuansing


(Deputy Regent of Kuantan Singingi, H. Halim celebrates his 55th Birthday (photo / Zar))(Deputy Regent of Kuantan Singingi, H. Halim celebrates his 55th Birthday (photo / Zar)) -

KUANSING-On Sunday, February 16, 2020, Deputy Regent of Kuantan Singingi, H. Halim, celebrated his 55th Birthday, which was held simply at his residence in Teluk Kuantan.

At the birthday of the Deputy Regent of Kuansing, H. Halim, the Regional Secretary Dr. DR. H. Dianto Mampanini, SE. MT along with mother, Plt. Head of PUPR Ade Fahrel Arif, ST, Head General Herman Susilo, S. Sos. M.Sc, Plt. Head of PPKBA Drs. Muradi, M.Sc, Head of Economics Irwan Najib, SH,, Former Secretary of Kuansing H Muharlius, SE MM, Former Head of General Affairs H. Saleh, SE, MM, Former Deputy Regent of Kuansing Drs. H. Zulkifli, M.Sc, as well as other invitations from Central Kuantan District, Sentajo Raya, Kuantan Mudik, Cerenti and other districts.

In his remarks, Vice Regent Kuansing H. Halim said Thank you to the invited guests who were present at his birthday celebration, and did not expect this much to be present, because the invitation was delivered only by word of mouth.

"This Anniversary Commemoration event is indeed celebrated every year, if it is not celebrated like there is something missing on the exact day of his birth," he said.

Read more: Deputy Regent of Kuantan Singingi Doing Greater Harvest

But this time, he said, welcoming his 55th birthday this year, not celebrating specifically, only bringing in neighbors, relatives and there was not even an official invitation for the Kuansing Regional Government.

On the birthday of H. Halim Vice Regent, Tausiyah (Religious Lecture) and Du'a were also given, and then followed by the Cake Cutting Event, by the Deputy Regent of Kuansing accompanied by his beloved wife, Yuniwarti Halim. (R24 / Zar)


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