Friday, 19 Apr 2024

The BKSDA Findings about Animal Traces on Pelalawan Were not Sumatran Tiger


(Center for Conservation of Natural Resources (BBKSDA) of Riau Province, concluded, the alleged appearance of a Sumatran tiger at PT Surya Bratasena Pangkalan Kuras, is a hoax (photo / Ardi))(Center for Conservation of Natural Resources (BBKSDA) of Riau Province, concluded, the alleged appearance of a Sumatran tiger at PT Surya Bratasena Pangkalan Kuras, is a hoax (photo / Ardi)) -

PELALAWAN - The Center for Conservation of Natural Resources (BBKSDA) of Riau Province, concluded that the alleged appearance of a Sumatran tiger at PT Surya Bratasena Pangkalan Kuras, is a hoax.

"BKSDA mitigation results, Police, Babinsa and the company, found footprints suspected of Sumatran tigers, are not appropriate," said Pelalawan Police Chief AKBP M Hasyim Risahondua through Head of Public Relations Iptu Edy Haryanto, on Thursday (02/27/2020).

Edy explained, from the results of the confirmation all sources were found, that there was no direct appearance seen by all the confirmed sources.

"For example Sawal. He claimed not to see the Sumatran tiger directly. While the traces found, do not match the tiger tracks. While the photos circulating, are the result of manipulation," explained Iptu Edy.

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Pictures and photos are circulating, taken by Sawal from his friend's social media account. After matching, it turns out the picture is located in the Zambrut Siak National Park.

"Likewise with the trail. After being analyzed by the BKSDA team, it is not a tiger trail. But it is similar to the traces of a tiger or a type of bobcat," he added.

But the BKSDA team will still install a monitoring camera at the location of the traces of the allegedly traces of the tigers or the bobcat.

"We will all socialize the results of the investigation and analysis of these findings to the public, so there will be no unrest," said Head of Public Relations Iptu Edy Haryanto. (R24 / Ardi)


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