Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Cockroach milk, the most beneficial milk compared to another kinds of milk


IllustrationIllustration - Scientists conduct research on animals that we consider as disgusting. From the results, it turns out that the existence of this animal turns out also have benefits that can be taken and can be useful for human.

Actually this research has been carried out by an international research team in 2016 related to the crystalline protein found in the middle intestine of cockroaches. The results are out of the expectation, it turned out that there are four times more nutritious protein in cockroach milk than cow's milk. Reporting from news.

The team conducted research on reproduction of cockroaches that lay eggs. From many schools, there is one species of cockroach that turns out to give birth. Just like humans, these cockroaches from the Diploptera punctate type produce food for their children.

Roaches produce liquid containing fat, sugar and protein like milk. After been swallowed, this liquid then harden as a protein crystal in the intestines of the children of cockroaches. This nutrient supports the lives of cockroach children so they can grow at an unprecedented speed.

It sounds ridiculous, but from the results of the study, it is not known to contain milk which can be a super food.

Actually, this has also long been known by insect experts. This animal secretes liquid food, but experts do not expect it to be rich in benefits. Then after doing research, it’s been revealed that cockroach milk is one of the most nutritious and calorie-based substances.

The team of researchers led by the Institute of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine in India are now sequencing the genes responsible for producing protein crystals to see if they can replicate these proteins in the laboratory.

They also carried out further tests to find out whether the protein was toxic to humans. Because, it is not impossible if these findings become an alternative substitute for cow's milk which is now being highlighted because it contributes greatly to the effects of greenhouse gases.

One of the involved research teams, named Sanchari Banerjee, said, "These crystals are like complete food, have protein, fat and sugar. There is also an essential amino acid content."

Interestingly, not only as a source of calories and nutrients, this crystal is also a time released aka releasing active substances gradually. "If anyone needs foods with high calorie content, this is a complete food, very stable and suitable to be an extraordinary protein supplement" Banerjee added, written in his research issue at IUCrJ.

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