Saturday, 27 Apr 2024

Doctors said that 90 percent of breast cancer comes from unhealthy lifestyle


IllustrationIllustration - It is undeniable that breast cancer is one of the deadliest diseases in the world for women. Therefore, it is very important to know what causes it. Breast cancer surgeon, Dr. Rachmawati, SpB (K) Onk, said the risk of breast cancer is 90 percent caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.

"We see globally, what is the etiology (cause)? 90 percent is lifestyle and 10 percent are genetic factors" she explained, Tuesday, October 10th 2018. "But if there is a genetic history, they have a high risk of developing breast cancer" said Dr. Rachma.

Dr. Rachma added, lifestyle factors in question are like smoking and eating with excessive portions to cause obesity. This is not recommended, considering obesity can also trigger various diseases. "If there is no family history, it means that the lifestyle is not healthy" she concluded.

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