Thursday, 09 May 2024

12 natural ways to protect yourself from mosquitoes. Part 1


12 natural ways to protect yourself from mosquitoes12 natural ways to protect yourself from mosquitoes - The most effective ways to combat mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are not only annoying, but they also transmit dangerous diseases, such as West Nile fever, which can lead to convulsions and paralysis.

Of course, you can use purchased insect repellents, but they have a lot of chemicals that are harmful and can lead to serious health problems.

Fortunately, there are a number of natural options that will help you fight off mosquitoes.

1. Essential oil of lavender.

Instead of rubbing chemicals into the body, try natural essential oil. Lavender essential oil is an excellent natural anti-mosquito agent that also moisturizes the skin.

Just mix 30 drops of this extract with two tablespoons of olive oil and apply on the skin.

2. Vases.

People love the smell of plants and herbs such as basil, rosemary, lemongrass and lavender, but mosquitoes can not stand them.

You can grow these plants in a pot and place them near the doors and windows. It is known that basil leaves kill the larvae. So with its help you will not allow mosquitoes to multiply in your home.

And when you sit around a campfire or barbecue, throw a couple of rosemary sprigs on hot coals to scare off insects.

3. Homemade citronella candles.

Citronella essential oil is one of the best natural anti-mosquitoes.

It is best to use oil, making candles. The strong smell that such a lamp emits will scare away mosquitoes and other unwanted insects so that you can safely enjoy outdoor recreation.

4. Garlic.

Vampires are not the only bloodsucking creatures who fear the pungent smell of garlic.
Scratch a clove of garlic on your skin and you will scare away even the wildest mosquito. And the garlic will remain edible.

It is also rich in sulfur, so when digesting, sulfur compounds get into your lungs through blood, and the body begins to exude an insect-repelling smell.

5. Dry ice.

Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide. This way you can fool them by putting a container with dry ice, which also emits a lot of CO2.

And keep the lid on hand so that they can be closed there!

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