Tuesday, 07 May 2024

Scientists told about the deadly danger of long sleep for pregnant women


Scientists told about the deadly danger of long sleep for pregnant womenScientists told about the deadly danger of long sleep for pregnant women

News24xx.com - American scientists from the University of Michigan studied the effects of sleep for more than nine hours a day in pregnant women. This was announced by the magazine "EurekAlert!".

The study involved more than 600 women, of whom 153 lost a child in the last month. The remaining 480 people were either pregnant in the third trimester, or recently gave birth.

Specialists managed to find out that the frequent awakenings of a woman during a night's sleep have a protective mechanism for the unborn child. Continuous sleep for more than nine hours can result in loss of the baby or premature birth.

One of the scientists, Louise O’Brien, believes that it is necessary to understand the reasons for this connection and noted that nighttime awakenings increase blood pressure and activate the vegetative nervous system.

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