Wednesday, 08 May 2024

Named 5 tricks to guarantee the "long life" of the smartphone battery


Named 5 tricks to guarantee the Named 5 tricks to guarantee the "long life" of the smartphone battery - On the occasion of the International Day for Energy Saving, experts named 5 tricks that can guarantee the "long life" of a smartphone battery. Information was shared by representatives of the company «Wiko», which sells mobile devices made in China.

1. The first tip is to set the "energy saving" mode. In parallel, experts recommend abandoning the autorun feature, which will allow unused applications not to be updated in the background, affecting the battery charge. You should also turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and geolocation service: three functions that, if enabled, work 24 hours a day, constantly searching for a network. Therefore, if they are not necessary, it is better to turn them off.

2. Set the minimum time to turn off the screen, as in most cases, users quickly respond to messages and view notifications, and then get distracted by other matters.

3. Notification settings on the lock screen are a great solution to avoid having to constantly activate the screen.

4. As for the widgets, although they make life easier, there is a negative impact on the battery life, it is best to remove them as unnecessary.

5. No less important is the start of operation of the purchased mobile device, which many users forget. We are talking about fully charging and discharging gadgets 3 times.

Versi Mobile
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