Saturday, 11 May 2024

Story of 11 years old girl who died because of toothpaste she used


Denise SaldateDenise Saldate - Denise Saldate from California, United States, passed away in mid-April 2019. Her story went viral on social media because the 11-year-old girl reportedly died of an unusual cause, a prescription toothpaste. According to Denise's parents, since birth she had severe allergies to dairy products, so every time they buy food or drink, they must carefully check the information on the content label.

But for sure the family did not check when giving Denise and without knowing that Denise's new toothpaste contained protein from dairy. Denise suffered a fatal allergic reaction which then led her to die due to that. "This is the first time I've heard of a case like this" commented a pediatrician David Stukus of Nationwide Children's Hospital.

"We can find protein of milk in every product, from medicines to non-food products. But in general, the type and amount of the protein was not enough to trigger a reaction of allergy in most people, but sadly to Denise, it did triggered her allergy" he continued as quoted by CNN on Tuesday, April 23rd 2019.

The case that happened to Denise according to David is so rare that it can be a reminder of the importance of communication between patients and doctors, label inspection, and the availability of epinephrine drugs.

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