Friday, 26 Apr 2024

Raisa successfully unravels the mass and make nausea to the demonstrators who went rampage on the May 22nd action


IllustrationIllustration - Raisa is stand for 'Pengurai Massa' (The Unravel of the Mass). This car has been seen repeatedly at important events, including the Presidential Elections and Debates. This vehicle can release a disturbing sound. The goal is of course to unravel the masses.

From the information, there is a 1,000-watt loudspeaker that can emit noise that can disturb the nerves of everyone who hears it.

If the device is activated, it will interfere with the nerves through the sense of hearing, usually making nausea and even vomiting, but depending on the sense of hearing of each person.

Not only the demonstrators, even the police who carry out their duty will also be victims.

The loudspeaker is only used at very critical times.

There are two loudspeakers, the other with 600 watts of power, which are specifically used to appeal to the masses not to be chaotic. And if chaos happens the speaker with 1,000 watts will be used.

According to Nasaruddin from the ranks of the South Sulawesi Regional Police quoted from report6, there are four units of Raisa cars, two of which are in the South Sulawesi Regional Police Sabhara Directorate, the other two are at Makassar Polrestabes and East Luwu Regional Police

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